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Course Marshals

Course Marshals play an integral role on race day by ensuring pedestrian safety at designated crossing areas on the course.  The race cannot occur without them! To volunteer to be a course marshal, click on the link below.  Please note that you must be 18 years of age to be a course marshal, but other volunteer opportunities are available for high school students.  If you have questions about being a course marshal, please email Marty Anderson.


Check-In and Information Table

Come help us register and check-in on Friday! Volunteers are needed to help check-in other volunteers, provide course marshal information, register Family Bike Parade participants, and more. For more information, please contact Jill Harris


Host Housing

Interested in getting to know some of the racers and more about pro/am cycling? House some or all members of a race team! Hosts provide sleeping space, use of a bathroom, a place to lock up bikes and refrigerator space. Providing food is not required but a host family may offer to share meals or give the riders full use of the kitchen.


Have questions about hosting? Please contact us for more information.

Local Organizing Committee

The local organizing committee is involved with the village of West Dundee in planning all facets of the event. Attend a meeting and see where you can lend a hand. To learn more, please contact us with a brief note about how you are looking to get involved or to find out when the next meeting is being held.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

The West Dundee River Challenge is a 100% volunteer organization that works to bring our community together for an exciting day of racing. The event has grown roots with families, businesses and the village since it started in 2016. The West Dundee River Challenge has seen success through the energy and care of many people since 2016 and will continue to grow as long as people are willing to volunteer.


  • If you can fund-raise or write press releases, then we need you!

  • If you have been involved in bike racing or love cycling, we can use you!

  • Are you good at promoting events through social media? We need your help!

  • Does your service club need a project? We can provide the hours you need!

  • Do you get stuff done? We'll put that energy to work!

If you are interested in working to make the West Dundee River Challenge even better, send us an e-mail with a short note and we will find a spot for you.

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